Multiple Measurers: A series!

I remember learning all about measuring in Foods class in high school. I had no idea that there was actually a method to all of this measuring madness. The lessons stuck with me, and I wanted to share some helpful measuring tips with you.

I have three sets of measuring cups and spoons. I use all three sets of measuring spoons separated from their rings corralled in a plastic dish in my utensil drawer. I keep two sets of dry measuring cups (nested together to save space, naturally) in my kitchen drawer closest to the stove, and I have another set for household measuring (more on that later). I have a couple of stacks of wet measuring cups and a kitchen scale. All of these items come in handy, and they’re some of my most used kitchen tools.

Stay tuned for more tips on measuring spoons, dry and wet measuring, and using a scale.

(Photo credit)

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